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Kain (Resin)

Kain (Resin)

Regular price £22.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £22.00 GBP
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A Priest of Onslaught, Kain has long practiced ancient blood magic. He harnesses the rage boiling through his blood with ritual sacrifice, giving him the power to heal or harm in equal measure.

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Practiced precision.

Hailing from a culture fueled by blood and violence, Kain has a reputation for being a calculated killer. He harnesses his inherent rage with precision, he can channel it to strike with lightning-fast grace. Mastery of blood magic allows him to perform ritual sacrifices, drawing power from the essence within the blood. Trophies from his victims serve as macabre comfort objects and repositories of energy, granting him vitality and strength when needed. In the midst of chaos, Kain finds calm, using his skills to heal allies and curse enemies.

Contents: Resin Kain (7 parts), 1 Resin Token (Mortal Wounds)
Material: pure, unfilled resin

Model is unassembled and unpainted. Intended for ages 14+.
When assembling, only use cyanoacrylate glue (medium viscosity, for best results) as other glues may damage the material.


For the latest version of the rules and for rule FAQ's: Hall of Eternal Champions FAQ

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